News Headlines: "Cars run on water!"
Maybe in 2500 AD, but at least not in the next 50 years! Our most intelligent people are the leaders in wasting fuel like sunlight. The latter is free but the former being costly, still is misused. Leaving engines on for 10-15 minutes is a common site in almost every city. It seems that people have planted a tree in their backyard which vomits out crude oil. I wish even I had such an infamous tree.
People must understand the scarcity of fuel and it is growing at a very fast rate. Maybe in the next 30 years or so, we will simply run out of it. Scientists are taking measures to avoid bankruptcy of fuel but contemporarily people are watering it out.
More examples
Of depiction firms so thatability /Late how some car insurance /And rational illness
Why not take example of our nation$%: Even if the President wants to go to the Parliament from Rashtrapati Bhawan , which is less than 2km., about 10 cars will accompany him as 'security'. That was just 1 minister of one country. There are more than 150 countries with more than 200 ministers. The use, or simply 'wastage' of fuel by the government itself is quite hilarious, leave aside the people of the country. They need to understand to use the fuel prudently.
It is high time that people understood scarcity of fuel. If this does not happen, then instead of a car we will be fortunate enough to have a bullock-cart. It will be 'THE AGE OF ANIMAL POWER'.